A series in Slate that is worth reading begins with an analysis of what needs to be fixed in education. Check out the article at Fixing It: Education by Jim Ryan.
Example: Don't stop testing; stop stupid testing. Good idea.
Unfortunately, we're dealing with CCSD. Remember in the Post and Courier, Dr. Rose-Baele hailed her praises to MORE testing when they discovered MAP! You know, the test that tells teacher what they're students need to work on to prepare for THE TEST (aka PACT)?? I thought if class size was decent, teachers wouldn't be teachers if they didn't know their students strengths and weaknesses. Help me, am I in the Twilight Zone?
Don't feel as if you've been singled out, Underdog. I hate it when highly regarded network news reporters, including many NPR reporters, can't get it right. They say "It was her" instead of "It was she".
It's bad enough when television writers make this mistake, but it really hurts when it's repeated so often by those we assume have a strong educational background in journalism and English. Perhaps we expect too much from those who are entrusted daily to educate the public.
Shall we require these people to take regular tests, too?
A very good and thought provoking read.
Unfortunately, we're dealing with CCSD. Remember in the Post and Courier, Dr. Rose-Baele hailed her praises to MORE testing when they discovered MAP! You know, the test that tells teacher what they're students need to work on to prepare for THE TEST (aka PACT)?? I thought if class size was decent, teachers wouldn't be teachers if they didn't know their students strengths and weaknesses. Help me, am I in the Twilight Zone?
Oops, I pulled a "Nancy Cook" -
Excuse the "they're" when it should have read "their" -
At least Underdog acknowledges a mistake. Like most of her fellow board members, Ms. Cook seldom does, if ever.
Don't feel as if you've been singled out, Underdog. I hate it when highly regarded network news reporters, including many NPR reporters, can't get it right. They say "It was her" instead of "It was she".
It's bad enough when television writers make this mistake, but it really hurts when it's repeated so often by those we assume have a strong educational background in journalism and English. Perhaps we expect too much from those who are entrusted daily to educate the public.
Shall we require these people to take regular tests, too?
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