Monday's P & C's op-ed page has a message from Butzon: The sky is falling in CCSD. Run for your life.
Butzon tries to link CCSD's financial woes to its failure to charge rent to the new Charter School for Math and Science. For example,
"Locally sponsored charter schools are already a financial albatross for school districts. When charter school proponents complain about the slow growth of charter schools in South Carolina, they typically attribute that slow growth to anti-charter sentiments among educators and school boards. But as the law is currently written, having charter schools is a financial disincentive for school boards."What you really mean, Jon, is that school boards lose control of the money that goes to those students. I agree it's a financial disincentive but only because many on the school board have other agendas than the best interests of the students involved. You and I both know that the amount of money alloted per student in the district does not change--only who handles it.
More to the point, why should the Charleston Education Network get a chair at the table? Who elected it to decide what policies the district should have about anything? Why do so many friends of Riley and Democratic activists sit on the committee? What qualifies Jon Butzon to sound off on the finances of the district and its funding? Let's see his credentials.
As I inquired in a posting last July 27th,
Who calls the shots in this unwieldy committee of 26?Well, Jon? Why did CEN leave its offices at the Citadel? Why is it that on CEN's website not a single member of the committee is listed under "Who We Are"?
Who decides what policies to push?
Where does more than $92,000 in "public support"[as of 3 years ago] come from?
What are Butzon's qualifications for sitting in on CCSD meetings?
Why does CCSD list CEN under "parent" organizations?
Don't you just love it?
I take full credit for getting Butzon off the Citadel campus. I spoke with my representative about his constant spewing of BS and hate. He received free rent and phone service at the Citadel. Since it is partially funded by tax dollars, mine and yours, I wrote a letter of opposition to the free rent and phone service. For the record, the exalted leader of the Citadel was extremely bitter and rude over my intentions. He was upset that the House member I wrote stood behind moving his butt off campus. I told him that I also wanted free rent and phone service for my team of folks who opposed the past leadership of CCSD. Butzon was once described by a past superintendent as "a smart man as long as one agreed with his every thought, and very hateful if one didn't"
Sandi Engelman
Thanks, Sandi, because if you hadn't done it someone else would have. Now if we can only get the Chamber of Commerce to explain why it is supporting this kind of reactionary and divisive individual.
Butzon continues to be a mouth piece for a mayor who cares nothing for neighborhood schools (except for their development potential as surplus real estate). These people appear to oppose restoring our downtown schools with informed parental and community support.
Butzon is just an ass who is at his best when he is ignored.
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