The conversation clearly went something like the following:
Hillery: If I run for mayor of North Charleston, you'll support my candidacy.Of course, the former was only an IMAGINED conversation, but it does explain Douglas's reaction to airhead Nancy's stupid remarks made earlier this week on local talk radio.
Nancy: Yes. And then if you lose, I'll let you be Board Chairman while you support my candidacy for Charleston County Council, even if I have to run as a Republican.
Hillery: Why do you want to be on the Charleston County Council?
Nancy: Well, remember, the CCSD Board can't send funds to my shelter any longer, the way it did with the Derthick Fund. If I get on the Charleston County Council, I can get some funding from the county to replace that money. After all, the County Council puts lots of earmarks right into the budget, even if its slush fund has been under the gun lately.
Hillery: That's true. It's a deal.
In case you've been hiding under a rock, the comments, which Cook now claims have been taken out of context, concerned sterilization and taking babies away from what used to be called "welfare mothers." THIS is her solution to high dropout rates in our nation's schools. AIRHEAD is not too strong! [See Cook's On-air Remarks Draw Fire]
Cook: We're not paying for another baby, maybe one baby, but after that, we're taking the baby. And maybe you get sterilized. I know that sounds kind of extreme and radical, but we're in times to where — think about America.Out of context? Here's what Douglas said in response:
Cook was trying to give an answer to a problem that has most people perplexed."Sometimes when you try and do that off the cuff, the wrong things come out," he said. "I'm almost certain she really doesn't mean that that's the solution to it by sterilizing. I just think it was something that was said that should not have been said."
Why was it said? Because Cook is after the racist vote in North Charleston, that's why. She's no Republican. Don't kid yourself that she really doesn't think this way.
Can you imagine the firestorm from Douglas and his cronies if Sandi Engelman had made remarks even one-third as racist as these?
What Sandi said pales in comparison to what Cook said. Cook was the first one to call a press conference denouncing what Sandi said. Where was the press conderence after Nancy's faux pah. She has made the comment when she was a liberal and not getting Cuz to endorse her and pay her way for council that who did the conservatives think would pay for these chillin' they wanted to take from their homes?
I was waiting for the Cook to bury herself...I just didn't know it would come so soon.
One just has to wait for the horse's ass to implode on themselves and they always do....my favorite is "It was taken out of context", HUH! what other context could it be taken in
I thought it was kinda sweet how Hillery took the Tammy Wynette "stand my your man" approach. Gee, Hillery, I can't help but wonder what you're getting our of this dysfunctional relationship.
Now, Gregg...well you just made me laugh as usual. You love to take the "Walk the Line" approach, don't you? Now, WHERE DO you live again?
I am not here to defend Ms. Cook because she is apart of a system that is not trying to solve the problems of the school system; but I do not see the racism. There was no reference to the African American community in the conversation. It is only there if you want to put it there. But that is on you and your personal agenda.
A welfare mother is white and black. Remember that most people on welfare are white although the percentage of a group, the African-American community is.
I don't know if it is the conservative vote she is looking for in the election. I can't image anyone voting for her. Considering how poorly the school system is being guided by the school board and she was a chairman at one point.
I would hope her comments is out of frustration for seeing families produce students who come to school not to learn but to disrupt. And there are students from both communities, African-American and white who do not come to school to learn.
We do have parents who have no reason to be parents. They do not show an interest in their student's school. They never come to school except when the child has gotten in trouble and the school forces them to come. Does anyone want to defend these parents? It is disgusting for a parent to show no interest for the child. The child did not ask to be put on this earth and when they do come. They should be treated better.
The only victims in this situation is the kids. A six year should not be able to sit up at night to one in the morning and they do. A seven year should not be able to use every curse word know to man, but they do. It is not fair that they must grow up with a parent who could care less if they succeeded. But this society does not have the stomach to fix the problems. And don't tell me that these parents have two and three jobs. You know in the past, people with two or three jobs found time to come to school to see how their child was doing. They found a way to make it, but not today.
Everyone just likes to point fingers and act as if they have no hand in the problem. There are children and their siblings who come to school and they disrupt the daily learning and they get to do so while teachers have to endure the daily disruptions and the finger is pointed at them for the child's disrupting the class. There was a time that a child was held accountable for their actions in a classroom, but we have allowed the child to be a teachers equal. The teacher is held under the microscope while the child is allowed to infect their chaos on the rest of the class. The child should have some accountability of their action. We should be teaching them that they are held accountable for their actions. But instead the majority of the students are held hostage and are force to lose educational time because of these students.
So What is the solution. Let's hear it. Now Ms. Cook's solution is not possible, not reasonable and is unAmerican. But what are the solutions to this problem because we are allowing the few to affect the whole and no one seems to have the courage to step forward with solutions. We can spend billions on a country that in no way could have attack us on our home soil. Yet we belly ache when schools come to taxpayers for help. We have placed the burden, the mandate of solving societies ills at school, but we do not give them the resource or the resources that are given are siphoned off by stupid projects.
My thought is that we should have some form of a discipline school within each elementary school to remove the students who cause the most trouble from First grade and on and they stay in the discipline wing of the school until they learn to behave. Besides they will not truly learn until they do behave and understand the educational process. We would see students learning faster if teachers did not have to deal with the same trouble makers everyday. We allow the rights of the few to infringe on the rights of the majority and it is time we start protecting the majority and teaching the minority that they will come to school and they will behave and if you don't. Well at least, you will not affect and effect the rest. The disruptive students must earn the right to come back to the mainstream. They do not have the right to stop the learning in the classroom and it should not take a mountain of paper work to move them to a more discipline area of a school. Their misbehavior is a sign that something is wrong. They should be isolated and we should find out what is going on and teach them what is needed to come to school on a daily basis and not cause trouble, but learn so that they can improve their lives. So those in the African-American and white community I challenge you to speak up about solutions and then force the school system to implement the solutions.
Well, last poster, once again you didn't see ms. Cook offer a viable solution just rhetoric spewing out of her mouth as usual. She has been on this board for 8 years and we have gone from 5 failing schools to 24 with a few more coming on board this year!
No last poster I did not miss the fact that she really did not have a plan and that is where the firestorm should be, not about race. The storm should be about why the school system has not addressed the issue of students who disrupt the education process at the elementary level and as early as first grade which directly hurts the rest of the students in the classroom. We let it go and the issue just gets larger and larger with each year that passes and eventually those students dropout, but meanwhile, they have be allowed to steal time from the rest of the class. Our schools are failing because of this. Our schools are failing because we lack leadership at the top, not the bottom. Our schools are failing because the white and black community leaders try to keep us focused on the wrong part of the issue. Good teachers fight everyday to make things work while the type plays rhetorical games. Its time that the rubber meets the pavement in school. We need to have solutions for students whose parents do not care if their sons or daughters know their times tables, conjugate a verb, or truly understand the importance of July 4, 1776. It is time that the excuses of failing to reach these kids are exported to China and that we import solutions from wherever they are. There are examples all over this country in which schools that were failing have turned it around by the solutions they implemented.
Well, last poster with that type of deep thinking, I will definitely say you win. Your thoughts are right on point. My point was "some" and I do mean some of the local folks had Ms. Cook on a pedestal. She finally showed she isn't smart and it is time to engage leadership that is.
To the 10:55 poster: I agree with you on so many points; however, there's no doubt in my mind that Nancy Cook was thinking of taking away black babies from their mothers.
One part of a solution would be to have elementary-school administrators who are not afraid to enforce discipline. If teachers knew that their actions would always be supported by their principals, discipline would improve dramatically. Of course, the school board would have to be unafraid to enforce discipline also.
I completely agree with Babbie. Unfortunately, too many of our administrators don't support their teachers. Where do these administrators get their degrees?
I'm also afraid too many administrators are more concerned with how they look on paper than what's being done about student behavior in the classroom.
According to Nancy Cook, it's always someone else's fault. (And what about her children?) I agree that both she and Hillery Douglas are racists. Oh and it warms my heart to watch Gregg Meyers awkwardly dancing as the bullets are flying. Yes, where does Gregg live?
Until last year Cook, Douglas and McGinley all claimed the constituent boards were standing in the way of recruiting good principals and teachers for poor performing schools. I guess they methaphorically speaking with the legislature's help performed sterilization on the constituent boards. Now Cook must be feeling empowered. For more than a year the superintendent, with the county school board's backing (under the dubious leadership of Douglas, Cook and Meyers) has exclusive power to appoint principals. Why are the principal's still so weak, ineffective and unsupportive of their own school staffs? It's not because of children from single parent households. It's because as CCSD administrators they are only looking out for themselves. BTW, this is exactly what the superintendent and county school board learders are doing...looking out for themselves.
Fire these idiots. Hillery Douglas and Nancy Cook are both up for reelection this year. Yes, you can expect to see Nancy Cook among your choices again in November. I'll bet NC will be running for school board again this fall after she looses the Republican primary for County Council in June. The choice is ours and so is the blame if these people are elected again to ANY public office.
If Ms, Cook says she is a Republican, she is a Republican.
We members of the Democratic Party will be proud to vote for someone who shares our ideals.
Now if the rest of us Democrats will be responsible enough to recognize our mistake and vote Hillery Douglas and Toya Green off the school board, too. The fact is, qualified candidates with integrity aren't making themselves available for public service. Considering who has served on this board in the recent past and the dirty politics involved with the entire Charleston County school system, you can't blame most people for not wanting to be involved with this mess. You've got to sweep out the trash before you can make the place look like it's safe enough to be anywhere near.
More than a few Democrats would rather associate with the Engelmans than Douglas and Meyers. At least David Engelman will give constituents and individual parents the time of day. Hillery Douglas won't even return phone calls or respond to e-mails. Not even from another Democrat. So forget the party labels. Nancy Cook and Hillery Douglas are both hacks and opportunists. Vote 'em out!
You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of CCSD voice mail messages that ALL include "where excellence is our standard." It's as if Dr. McGinley was so proud of herself for changing the motto that she made everyone change their stupid voice mail messages. "Hi, I'm the Communications Officer of the Communications Coordinator for the Communications Director WHERE Excellence is our Standard. What can I do for you to today? Please leave a message at the beep."
Excellence is our standard? And where would that be? Give me a break.
Yeah, here's an idea, Dr. McGinley...you're so worried about your "Perfect Storm" - how about cut some of the bs referenced above OUT?
Don't you just love educrats and their jingles?
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