Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dyslexia Support Begins with Parents


Retired special education teacher Robin Steinberger writes in Lowcountry Source about a parent support group that all parents of dyslexic students should know about: Decoding Dyslexia SC.

"Decoding Dyslexia SC is a network of parents that support each other. They can ask questions and participate in a private discussion board. Their motto is Educate, Advocate, and Legislate. The South Carolina group is part of a larger network of parents from other states. They communicate and in particular help each with legislation."

In case you're wondering, as I did, if children inherit dyslexia, Steinberger's example makes that clear. It's interesting, though, that boys are three times as likely to inherit it than girls. Maybe some day we'll know why.

Meanwhile, although schools provide special reading programs for these students, it's imperative that parents keep tabs on their child's progress. Yet, as Steinberger reports, "Parents often find navigating the school system to get help for a child having learning difficulties frustrating and intimidating." 

"Parents whose children are struggling [must] get educated and learn to be advocates for their child. No one will advocate for your child the way you will." 

Parents again. The most important component in a child's success. If only we could mandate their attention!


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