Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just CCSD's Math, But What Does It Mean?

Seems rather startling, doesn't it?

According to the news emanating from the latest meeting of the Charleston County Schools District Board of Trustees, nearly one-third of all 2010-11 seniors did not graduate last June. Quoting from the P&C: "Charleston County graduated 67.9 percent of its seniors last school year."

If this sentence is to be believed, we are in far worse shape than we thought because the district isn't even counting those students who dropped out in the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades.

Say it ain't so, Joe!

Or maybe the reporter misstated the facts?

1 comment:

West Ashley said...

The super wants to grade her progress on reaching a graduation rate of 81% by 2016. That sounds awfully close to her discovery a couple of years ago that kids wheren't reading at grade level. I suppose an 81% graduation rate is about as good as having a similar percentage of students reading above the 4th grade level in high school. If the is acceptable, then the greater fool here is the public.